Bidprentje/funeral card Eerwaarde Pater/Reverend Father
Daniël Bauwens

(Collectie Bernard Verhelst)

Funeral card Reverend Father Daniël Bauwens
Born at Ghent on the 19th of November 1911
and passed away at Hanneche (*) on the 5th of September 1944

Daniel André Bauwens osa, Hanniche / Ghent, Liège, Belgium; martyr under the Nazis; ? 1944. Date of death 5 September. He was born on 19 November 1911 in the Belgian city of Ghent and joined the Augustinians. On 5 September 1944 he was killed by the Nazis in the town of Hanneche in the province of Liège. This must have happened when the German troops retreated before the Allied offensive. Nothing is known about the circumstances, because Father Daniel was executed without trial. His remains were then transferred to Ghent and buried in the Augustinian cemetery at the Mariakerk.

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